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New feature or functionality

Showing 46 of 74

Add "Linear Dodge (Add)" Composite Method

Most modes available in Photoshop are also available in Painter, except the Linear Dodge (Add), which is very useful when painting light on a separate layer. Please implement this mode.
Martin Vrkljan 5 months ago in New feature or functionality 0

saving to folders

When using Save as painter opens up the last opened folder rather than the folder associated with the file being saved. When using Save as, please could painter open the folder in which file is currently stored.
Andy Catling 9 months ago in New feature or functionality 0

Make a Painter Essentials for Android

I think it would be great if Painter Essentials were made for Android phones. That way people with drawing/painting tablets can take the tablets anywhere and still be able to use Painter Essentials.
Guest 12 months ago in New feature or functionality 0

Multiple dabs for a single brush

I think it would be nice to be able to use a list of dabs (ideally with customizable chance of each being used) instead of a single one. It would be especially useful for painterly brushes or brushes meant to fill in parts of the background rather...
Athanasios Papageorgopoulos about 1 year ago in New feature or functionality 0

Allow user control of Tool Tips

Please allow the user to turn off the tool tips while working. It is super annoying to have that window obsuring a painting while the artist is working. There seems to be no way to turn one of those OFF while working.There is also no real contro t...
Guest over 1 year ago in New feature or functionality 0

Open .psb format

Ps introduced the new format .psb and only CSP seems to be able to open
paolo d'altan over 1 year ago in New feature or functionality 0

Timelapse Recording (like Procreate)

Procreate has an amazing feature that records all your brush strokes so that you can easily make a timelapse video. Here's a demo:
Roxane Lapa over 1 year ago in New feature or functionality 0

Dual Brush

Photoshop has a thing in its brush engine called 'dual brush' where you can use one brush inside another brush. Difficult to explain, but you can see a demo here:
Roxane Lapa over 1 year ago in New feature or functionality 0

Improve selection tool

a really working and precise magic wand / fastselection tooland color selection, as in PS.
paolo d'altan over 1 year ago in New feature or functionality 0

Painter 2023 Navigator should be capable of saving a specific Zoom percentage other than the standard plus and minus increments.

Years ago I discovered that I could view my large paintings ( 38 x 57 inches 160 ppi) progress by entering a zoom factor of 67.5%. I must enter that information every time I frequently view my painting's progress. An easily accessed display of my ...
Guest over 1 year ago in New feature or functionality 0